We are excited to be Networking sponsors of this Pre-Launch Strategies Conference!


Because some of the topics to be discussed in September touch directly on our area of work every day.

The teams we work with are tasked with seeing their world in 3D. They are responsible for knowing, understanding, and engaging with the people who will shape how the world sees their innovation.

We have begun to think that our work – which essentially answers the question, “Who should we talk to?” – is like solving a Sudoku puzzle. Other businesses try to address this question by dividing their Sudoku problem into functional subunits. In some cases, medical goes off in one direction, commercial in another. Market access tries to work out their answer for themselves, as do the patient advocacy teams. And to make matters a little more complex, different regions and countries repeat their own research at a local level.

We all know that you cannot solve a Sudoku problem by just looking at one of the nine subunits in isolation. You need to see all of the subunits together to make sense of the whole.

The exact same thing is true of the therapeutic ecosystems of people that need to be engaged when bringing an innovation to market. You need to see the community as it actually is, not as you have structured your business.

Only by looking at the area as a whole can the question be answered.

Thecosystems is our way of overcoming this challenge.

Interested in knowing more?